Ihr befindet Euch in der Kategorie "Classics". In der folgenden Liste findet Ihr alle Reviews, die bislang f�r diese Kategorie geschrieben wurden:
Abattoir - Vicious Attack, Thrash Metal |
AC/DC - Back in Black, Hard Rock |
Accept - Restless and Wild, Heavy Metal |
Agent Steel - Skeptics Apocalypse, Speed Metal |
Anathema - Alternative 4, Dark Rock |
Angel Dust - Into the dark Past, Speed / Thrash Metal |
Angel Witch - Angel Witch, New Wave of British Heavy Metal |
Annihilator - Alice in Hell, Thrash Metal |
Anthrax - Fistful of Metal, Thrash Metal |
Armagedda - Ond Spiritism / Djefvulens Skalder, Black Metal |
Artillery - By Inheritance, Thrash Metal |
Avantasia - The Metal Opera, Melodic Metal |
Axel Rudi Pell - The Masquerade Ball, Melodic Metal |
Bal-Sagoth - Starfire burning upon the ice-veiled throne of Ultima Thule, Epic Metal |
Bathory - Hammerheart, Viking Metal |
Betray My Secrets - Betray My Secrets, Ethno Metal |
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell, Heavy Metal |
Blind Guardian - Imaginations from the other Side, Power Metal |
Blitzkrieg - A Time of Changes, NWOBHM |
Blue �yster Cult - Fire of unknown Origin, Heavy Metal / Hard Rock |
Bolt Thrower - For Victory, Death Metal |
Bruce Dickinson - The Chemical Wedding, Heavy Metal |
Candlemass - Nightfall, Doom Metal |
Cirith Ungol - King of the Dead, Heavy Metal mit Doom-Einschlag |
Clairvoyant - Fighter's Soul, Epic & Melodic Metal |
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast, Black Metal |
Crimson Glory - Transcendence, Melodic Metal |
Cryptopsy - None so vile, Death Metal |
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends, Thrash Metal |
Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery, Death Metal |
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger, Black Metal |
Death - The Sound of Perseverance, Death Metal |
Death Angel - The Ultraviolence, Thrash Metal |
Deep Purple - Made in Japan, Hard Rock |
Demon - Taking the World by Storm, Heavy Metal |
Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations, New Wave of British Heavy Metal |
Dio - Holy Diver, Power Metal |
Dissection - Storm of the light?s bane, Black Metal |
Emperor - In the nightside eclipse, Black Metal |
Empyrium - Songs of Moors and misty Fields, Dark Metal |
Entombed - Clandestine, Death Metal |
Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac, Speed Metal |
Exodus - Bonded by Blood, Thrash Metal |
Fates Warning - Awaken the Guardian, Prog Metal |
Fields of the Nephilim - Elizium, Gothic Rock |
Flotsam and Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deceiver, Speed Metal |
Forbidden - Forbidden Evil, Speed & Thrash Metal |
Frostmoon Eclipse - Gathering The Dark, Black Metal |
Gamma Ray - No World Order, Power Metal |
Gargoyle - Gargoyle, Epic & Melodic Metal |
Hallow's Eve - Tales of Terror, Thrash Metal |
Heathen - Breaking the Silence, Speed Metal |
Heavy Load - Stronger than Evil, Heavy Metal |
Helloween - Keeper of the seven Keys 1, Power Metal |
Helstar - Remnants of War, Progressive Heavy Metal |
H�roes del Silencio - Senderos de Traici�n, Rock |
Iced Earth - Iced Earth, Power Metal |
In Flames - Clayman, Melodic Death Metal |
Inquisition - Into the Infernal Regions of the ancient Cult, Black Metal |
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast, New Wave of British Heavy Metal |
Jack Frost - Elsewhere, Doom |
Jag Panzer - Ample Destruction, US Metal |
Jaguar - Power Games, NWOBHM |
Judas Priest - British Steel, Heavy Metal |
King Diamond - Abigail, Heavy Metal |
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill, |
Lacrimas Profundere - Burning: A Wish, Gothic Metal |
Leatherwolf - Leatherwolf, US Metal |
Lethal - Programmed, Prog Metal |
Liege Lord - Freedom's Rise, US Metal |
Lizzy Borden - Love you to Pieces, Heavy Metal |
Malice - In the Beginning, Heavy Metal |
Manowar - Kings of Metal, Epic Metal |
Manowar - Into Glory Ride, Heavy Metal |
Mercyful Fate - Don't break the oath, Heavy Metal |
Metal Church - Metal Church, Power Metal |
Metallica - Ride the Lightning, Speed Metal |
Mindrot - Dawning, Death / Doom |
M�tley Cr�e - Shout at the Devil, Heavy Metal / Hard Rock |
Mot�rhead - Ace of Spades, Rock'n'Roll |
My dying Bride - The Angel and the dark River, Doom |
Napalm Death - Scum, Grindcore |
Nasty Savage - Nasty Savage, Heavy Metal |
Nightwish - Wishmaster, Symphonic Metal |
Obituary - Slowly we rot, Death Metal |
Omen - Battle Cry, Heavy Metal |
Opeth - Morningrise, Progressive Death Metal |
Overkill - Feel the Fire, Power / Thrash Metal |
Paradise Lost - Icon, Gothic Metal |
Paradox - Collision Course, Speed / Thrash Metal |
Possessed - Seven Churches, Death Metal |
Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime, Prog Metal |
Riot - Fire down Under, Heavy Metal |
Rose Tattoo - Rose Tattoo, Rock'n'Roll |
Running Wild - Black Hand Inn, Power Metal |
S.O.D. - Speak English or die, Thrash Metal/Hardcore |
Saint Vitus - Born too late, Doom |
Satan - Court in the Act, Heavy Metal |
Satan's Host - Metal from Hell, US Metal |
Satyricon - Rebel extravaganza, Black Metal |
Savage Grace - Master of Disguise, Speed Metal |
Savatage - Streets, Power Metal |
Saxon - Strong Arm of the Law, New Wave of British Heavy Metal |
Saxon - Wheels of Steel, NWOBHM |
Scald - Will of the gods is great power, Epic Doom/Viking Metal |
Scorpions - Love at first Sting, Heavy Metal |
Scorpions - Fly to the Rainbow, 70er Rock |
Sentenced - Down, Gothic Rock/Metal |
Skylark - Divine gates part II: Gate of heaven, Melodic Metal |
Slayer - Reign in Blood, Thrash Metal |
Sodom - Agent Orange, Thrash Metal |
Stormwitch - The Beauty and the Beast, Power Metal |
Testament - The Legacy, Thrash Metal |
Thin Lizzy - Thunder and Lightning, Heavy Metal |
Tiamat - Wild Honey, Dark Metal |
Tokyo Blade - Night of the Blade, New Wave of British Heavy Metal |
Twisted Sister - Stay Hungry, Heavy Metal |
Unleashed - Shadows in the Deep, Death Metal |
Venom - Black Metal, Black Metal |
Warlord - And the Cannons of Destruction have begun, Epic Metal |
Wild Dogs - Reign of Terror, Power Metal |
Xentrix - For whose Advantage?, Thrash Metal |